Big Dragon Suspension Bridge


By Takashi

Many tourists visit the Big Dragon Suspension Bridge during all four seasons. Its height is 100 meters. Its span is 446 meters. The entrance fee is 310 yen. I’ve been there just once when I was an elementary school student. There are windows under your feet, and you can see the water. I think it is thrilling to see under your feet.

Several events are held there each season. For example, in the spring, we can see many flying carps on and around the bridge. There are about 1,000 flying carps. Also, in the summer, there is a Garden Lantern Festival. There are 500 plastic lanterns and 100 bamboo lanterns around the bridge.

We can have fun there because you can do something interesting. For instance, you can eat soba near the bridge. The soba is called Hitachi-Akisoba, which means fall soba. It was made in 1978 by many farmers. Soba is usually judged by three elements: taste, aroma, and sweetness. It excels over the others in these elements. Then, Hitachi-Akisoba is highly evaluated by soba cooks. Furthermore, if you pay over 1,000 yen, you can eat Hitachi-Akisoba with traditional Japanese foods; such as grilled fish, tempura, and dishes used local vegetables.

A lot of people are interested in the bungee jumping off of the Big Dragon Suspension Bridge. Its height is about 100 meters. When you are near the water’s surface, you will feel closer than 100 meters and become excited. The cost to jump changes depending on how many times you jump. First time, the fee is 15,000 yen. Second time, the fee is 7,000 yen, that is more than a 50 percent discount. People who don’t have disease (for example, epilepsy or heart disease) can try to do bungee jumping. Until now, nobody has had an accident, so it is safe. People who experienced the bungee jumping say “this is the thrill beyond my imagination.”

Big Dragon Suspension Bridge has many kinds of attractions. You can see festival, eat Hitachi-Akisoba, and go bungee jumping. You can have fun because there are many interesting things around the bridge. If you don’t go there, you will have extreme regret.

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