Get Super Powers around Hitachi

by Airi M.

Do you know the spot in Hitachi where you can get super powers? It is Oiwa shrine! Below are pictures of one of the buildings and a Torii gate. We can get special powers that last for a long time; this shrine is the most powerful spot in Japan. One rumor tells that when an astronaut went into space, she saw a shining place on Earth. She searched for the shining place later, and the place was Oiwa Shrine.

Oiwa shrine is home to 108 Gods, so it is large. Praying to all Gods takes 2 hours. Gods are from many sects. For example, Kunitokotachinomikoto, one of the sons of the first two Gods of Japan, also has a home there. We can also hike there. If we hike around the shrine and up the mountain, we can stay there for three or four hours.

Next is a trio of big famous Japanese cedars from about 500 years ago, and the cedars are 50 meters tall. The trio was chosen as one of “The 100 Forest Giants of Japan.” If we stand in front of the cedars, where the sun creates a rainbow, we can get giant powers and bask in the rainbow sun.

The shrine has some events. The first event is Saitansai, which is held on January 1st every year across Japan. Usually almost all Japanese go to the shrine to pray on January 1st. This shrine is especially popular in Japan, and many people come to Oiwa shrine on that day. The second event is called Kaikousai, which is only held at Oiwa shrine, on the third weekends of April and October every year. We protect our ancestors and Gods if we pray here during this event.

I recommend Oiwa shrine. You should go there if you come to Hitachi city. Get special powers from Oiwa Shrine! To go to the shrine by train, get off at Hitachi station and take the bus for Higashi Kochi. The bus stop is at the 1 sign. Get off the bus at Oiwa shrine. It takes 35 minutes by bus from Hitachi station. The bus fare is 500 yen one way and 1000 yen round trip. Admission is free. The shrine is near; we can go there easily. Visit Oiwa Shrine’s Homepage at